Turtleflage Don with Camo Hydro Skimmer
Asst. No. 33135
Stock No. 33137
Pack-in Figure
Way of The Turtle
Splinter Says:
"To be invisible, one must blend into the background - big time!"
As Don spins his Camo Hydro Skimmer towards the shore, he is suddenly interrupted by an explosion. Dr. Quease is up to no good in the harbor. Don quickly slides into his seat
and becomes one with his Camoo Hydro Skimmer. He skims across the water right for Dr. Quease's evil tug boat, the "Sickly Sea Slug". He looks up but sees no intruder. Suddenly
the water surrounding Dr. Quease erupts. Don fires his water surrounding Dr. Quease erupts. Don fires his water whippin' spring-powered hydro-missile and sends clam-headed
Dr. Quease to Davy Jone's locker. This is one fish story Don can't wait to tell the boys.
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