Supermutant Bebop

Supermutant Bebop

The Ultimate Superhero Fighter!

Asst. No. 3010
Stock No. 3017


Tri-tipped Turtlenator
Double Edge Spike Stick


When the forces of good and fair play threaten to take over the world, who will dare stand in the way of all that disgusting righteousness? Supermutant Bebop, that's who. He's an anti-hero who's not afraid to take a stand against the likes of the Supermutant Turtles. Especially since he has his friends Supermutant Rocksteady and Supermutant Shredder to back him up. No to mention his stash of super weapons, like the Tri-tipped Turtlenator - a devious device that digs through anything, even Supermutant Turtle shells! And Supermutant Bebop's double edge spike stick moves through the air at lightning speed and always finds its target. So if the good guys of this world are startin' to make your stomach turn, remember: there is hope yet that the Foot forces will prevail - and this hope goes by the name of Supermutant Bebop.


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