High-Tech Turtle Torture Trap!
Asst. No. 5660
Stock No. 5663
Instructions &
National Turtle Quiz Jokebook #20
It's nail-biting time as Shredder attempts to toilet train the Turtles! Working in his secret lave-tory, Shredder retrofit a
portable public john with parts from a nuclear power plant, inventing the ultimate Turtle torture device - the Flushomatic! The
perfect device for prying secrets out of tight-lipped Turtles so that Shredder can destroy their hideout and dominate the world!
A toilet bowl of Retromutagen Ooze and a trip back to the aquarium awaits the careless Turtle who wanders into Shredder's high
tech outhouse. So party hardy, Turtles, but remember if you snooze, you'll ooze!
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